Session Fees
Taste of Bravery
30-Minute Session
Includes $500 Credit Towards a Digital, Album or Box Collection (Can not be used for A’ La’ Carte purchase)
Most Popular:
Black Label Experience
Professional Hair & Makeup
90-Minute Session
Unlimited Outfits
Includes $750 Credit Towards a Digital, Album or Box Collection (Can not be used for A’ La’ Carte purchase)
Digital Packages
Digital files will be high resolution perfect for printing. Images will be cropped, color corrected and lightly retouched.
(What is retouched? Blemishes removed and skin soften.)
10 Files 1600
15 Files 2200
20 Files 2500
25 Files 2900
30 Files 3200
All Files 4000
Personalized crystal thumb drive & slip box 200
Begin a Prepaid plan today and unlock a 10% discount,
All Eye’s On You
8x8 Beautiful Starter Album
10 images 1600 | 15 2200| 20 2500 | 25 2800 | 30 3100
Images in the album will be beautifully and naturally retouched
Does not include digital images
Begin a Prepaid plan today and unlock a 10% discount,
Bonus of receive social media digital files of the ordered images at no extra cost.
Little Black Book
6x9 Stunning Album
20 images 2500 | 30 3200 | 40 3800 | 50 4200 | 60 4500
Images in album will be beautifully retouched
Does not include digital images
Begin a Prepaid plan today and unlock a 10% discount,
Bonus of receive social media digital files of the ordered images at no extra cost.
8x12 Stunning Layflat Hand Made Album
with Leather Box
Choose between leather, metal, acrylic or cameo photo cover
Images in album will be beautifully retouched
Social media sized digital images available for download
(same images that are chosen for the album)
30 images 4000 | 40 4600 | 50 5500 | 60 6000 | 70 6600
Begin a Prepaid plan today and unlock a 10% discount,
Bonus of receiving High Resolution digital files of the ordered images at no extra cost.
The 5x7 Art Box
5x7 Mounted portraits displayed in an Art Box
10 - 2000 | 20 - 2500 | 30 - 2750
Begin a Prepaid plan today and unlock a 10% discount,
Bonus of receiving social media digital files of the ordered images at no extra cost.
8x10 Wooden Slide Box
Mounted 8x10 Portraits
Wooden box with a metal photo slide cover
15 - 2500 | 20 - 2750 | 30 - 3000
Begin a Prepaid plan today and unlock a 10% discount,
Bonus of receiving social media digital files of the ordered images at no extra cost.
11x14 Reveal Box
8x10 Art Portraits mounted in an 11x14 matte (12 or more come with a presentation box)
12 - 2400 | 18 - 3000 | 24 - 3500
Reveal your inner spark…. Exquisite, Artistic & Adventurous.
Begin a Prepaid plan today and unlock a 10% discount,
Bonus of receiving social media digital files of the ordered images at no extra cost.
Prints and Wall Art
Only available after a collection purchase.
Each image will be retouched beautifully and printed on the finest portrait papers. Framing and gallery wraps are available.
Legacy Prints
8x10. 300
11x14. 450
16x20. 650
20x24. 850
24x30. 1050
Metal Prints
8x10. 425
11x14. 550
16x20. 850
20x24. 1050
24x30 1250
A $1100 Minimum purchase is required at your reveal and ordering.
We offer prepayment plans. Check them out here.
8x10 Art Prints
4-8x10s 1200 | 8-8x10s 1800| 12-8x10s 2200 | 16-8x10s 2400
Begin a Prepaid plan today and unlock a 10% discount,
Bonus of receive social media digital files of the ordered images at no extra cost.
We reserve the right to adjust or change collections and other prices without any notice.